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Financial services

Various types of services – satisfying various demands – preferential fees

Payment services


List of services


Utilities payment service

Payment of electricity, water, and telephone bills by the business shall be recognized and debited automatically and quickly by the service supplier.


Domestic tax payment on ACB ONE BIZ (OTAX)

Businesses can pay value-added tax, license tax, income tax, etc. directly on the ACB ONE BIZ application.


Domestic tax and customs duties payment at ACB’s counter

Corporates can fulfill their tax/customs obligations right at ACB’s counter.


Domestic tax payment on Etax

Corporates can make payments for Value-added tax, License Tax, Income Tax, etc. directly on website of the Tax Authority when having an ACB payment account.


Customs duties payment on the website of the General Department of Customs (HQ247)

A service that Enterprises make a tax payment statement directly on the Customs e-Payment Portal anytime, anywhere


Collection service

A service provided to businesses wishing to quickly and accurately collect money from buyers through ACB's collection channels.


Payment on Behalf Service

A service provided to businesses with a need to debit money from their accounts for payment to designated beneficiaries quickly, accurately, and safely.


Electronically signed transactions

A banking service allowing transactions via email with the required documents signed electronically. ACB will perform the transaction for businesses rather than the businesses go to the counter to perform the transaction as in the traditional way.



Centralized account management

A service that provides the feature of capital concentration or capital allocation between a main account and multiple sub-accounts, helping businesses to concentrate or allocate capital efficiently and automatically.


Payment Authorization

A service where ACB acts as an intermediary in ensuring payment for goods and services between parties.


Custody Service

Is a service that ACB receives and preserves valuable papers and documents for businesses to ensure the safety and confidentiality of information.