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Foreign currency swap

The superior foreign currency trading method balances the liquidity of currencies, hedges against future exchange rate fluctuations, and maximizes clients' profits. With the simultaneous execution of two transactions of buying and selling the same amount of foreign currency with different payment dates, the exchange rate, the amount of foreign currency traded, and the payment term are determined at the time of signing the contract.


  • Balance the liquidity of various currencies of your business by selling temporarily idle surplus currency in exchange for the currency in short for immediate use.
  • Hedging against future exchange rate fluctuations.
  • Profit maximization.


  • Protect your business against the risk of exchange rate fluctuations.
  • Effective cash flow management supports corporate financial planning.
  • No transaction fees.


  • Required documentation:
    Documents proving the purpose of using foreign currency or the future inflow of foreign currency.
    Currency swap contract.
