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Cross Currency Swap

Clients can choose this instrument to convert the principal and interest payment cash flows of one currency in financial transactions into that of another currency, with the exchange rate to convert the principal amount between two currencies fixed at the contract signing date.


  • Help businesses prevent exchange rate and interest rate risks.
  • Optimize financing costs by taking advantage of market fluctuations.
  • Restructure the principal and interest payment flow according to your business's desired currency and type of interest rate.


  • Cash flow in these transactions is specifically designed to address the hedging needs of your own business.
  • Competitive price, bringing satisfaction to your business.
  • Solid expertise, willing to provide consultation to help your business identify and prevent the risks of financial market fluctuations in a timely manner.


  • Required documentation:
    Records of the underlying transaction (transactions with interest rate risk) and related documents.
  • Latest financial statements.