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Commercial construction contract financing

To meet funding needs for construction activities, and construction contracts


  • Maximum financing percentage: up to 80% of the contract value.
  • Meeting the financial needs of the package, including guarantee, credit, and payment in stages from the time of bidding, contract implementation, and acceptance.


  • Collateral is receivables or arising rights from contracts.
    Collateral is the receivables or arising rights from the construction contracts financed by ACB.
  • Flexible loan term
    Loan term is structured subject to the progress of construction contracts.
    Term of the credit line: 12 months.
    Loan term for each disbursement: suitable to the construction period and the client's repayment cash flow, up to 12 months
  • Loan currency
  • Loan type 
    Line of credit or non-revolving loan.

Eligible customers

Businesses that specialize in construction


  • ACB branches/sub-branches in this list, or
  • 24/7 Contact Center at 1900 54 54 86 – (028) 38 247 247 – 1800 57 77 75