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  • /ACB reduces loan interest rates to 1%/year to support customers facing difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic

ACB reduces loan interest rates to 1%/year to support customers facing difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic

(HCMC) – Accompanying customers in difficult situation because of the Covid-19 epidemic, ACB's Board of Directors representative said that the bank will reduce interest rates for existing customers to a maximum of 0.8 %/year for short-term loans and 1%/year for medium and long-term loans. ACB will consider adjusting interest rates for science and technology customers and corporate customers with loan contracts and at the time of maturity change interest rates in the period from July 15 to October 15, 2021.

ACB will consider the extent to which the epidemic affects the business situation (revenue, profit, number of employees, ...) of businesses, income of individual customers and the level of customer engagement with the company. ACB to have a suitable interest rate reduction for science and technology customers, and corporate customers who are borrowing at ACB. This shows that ACB cares about customers and well implements the direction of the State Bank in supporting customers in difficulties during the epidemic season.

Along with the policy of considering reducing lending interest rates, ACB also implemented a preferential loan package of VND 10,000 billion with a minimum interest rate of 6%/year for corporate customers and 7%/year for science and technology from now until 31/03. October 2021. This preferential loan package was launched by ACB with the goal of helping customers use financial solutions as a resource to help customers recover their business and generate revenue to repay loans.

In the context of the outbreak of the epidemic, ACB encourages business customers and science and technology customers to transact through "contactless" channels such as ATM/CDM system; ACB Online; Application for business customers (ACB Business App); Application for Science and Technology (ACB Mobile App) to enjoy utilities with incentives: Free online inter-bank money transfer, payroll fees, ATM withdrawal fees for individual business customers; Enterprises and employees pay and receive salary through ACB under Employee Banking program.